Cyclops Tensor Framework
parallel arithmetic on multidimensional arrays
Collaboration diagram for Examples:


 Benchmark for smoothed algebraic multgrid.
 Transformation between atomic and molecular orbitals.
 All-pairs shortest-paths via path doubling and Tiskin's augmented path doubling.
 bitonic_sort sort iterative method using gemv and spmv
 All-pairs shortest-paths via path doubling and Tiskin's augmented path doubling.
 betweenness centrality
 betweenness centrality computation
 A Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles contraction code extracted from Aquarius.
 tests read and write dense data to file functionality
 tests read and write dense data to file functionality
 3D Discrete Fourier Transform by tensor contractions
 FFT iterative method using gemv and spmv.
 tests custom element-wise transform by doing force integration
 tests custom element-wise transform on sparse tensors by doing force integration
 Jacobi iterative method using gemv and spmv.
 Matrix multiplication
 Multiplication of two matrices with user-defined attributes of symmetry and sparsity.
 code for maximal independent set
 code for maximal 2-independent set
 Neural Network.
 tests custom element-wise functions by computing interactions between particles and integrating
 Performs recursive parallel matrix multiplication using the slice interface to extract blocks.
 scan iterative method using gemv and spmv
 Third-order Moller-Plesset petrubation theory (MP3) with sparse integrals. Equations adapted from those in Aquarius (credit to Devin Matthews)
 Randomly permuted block write of symmetric matrices from matrix on COMM_SELF to symmetric matrix on COMM_WORLD.
 Spectral element methods test/benchmark.
 Multiplication of a random square sparse matrix by a vector.
 single-source shortest-paths via the Bellman-Ford algorithm
 Strassen's algorithm
 Strassen's algorithm using the slice interface to extract blocks.
 tests trace over diagonal of Matrices
 high-order nonsymmetric contractions

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 2014, Edgar Solomonik, all rights reserved.